Thursday, January 6, 2011

Third Quarter Goals

     Last year I've had many struggles getting put back into the system and trying to succeed in school. Even though it was very difficult getting accustomed to a group home again and being away from my family, I still tried my hardest to get through it until I was able to move into a new placement. One of my biggest achievements was focusing only on school and getting on the honor roll. I realized I was messing up by not caring and just doing whatever I wanted. Although it was hard for me, I still found a way to get myself back into the habit of doing all my class work and attending every single day. All that hard work eventually paid off and I’m proud of myself for reaching that goal.
     This year I would like to put all of the obstacles of last year in the past and start fresh. By that, I mean pushing myself even harder than what other people would think is my limit and prove them wrong. I want to achieve at least a GPA of 3.5 or higher. I want to show people that I’ve changed and not only do it for them but more importantly for me. To accomplish this I would need to:
  • Be more organized and take notes when needed.
  • Complete all my schoolwork and turn everything in on time.
  • Study for tests and try to ace them.


  1. Hey those are great goals. you can do it you just got to bealive in her house.

  2. I agree with Bella; those are some really great goals that you can achieve.

  3. That's great. You can do it, keep it up. :)
